
All services in person

St Luke’s and St Augustine’s are now meeting in person. We are slowly introducing changes in line with Government and church guidance. Currently (July 2021) at St Luke’s we are still asking people to wear facemasks in order to reduce the chance of spreading Covid, but have reintroduced singing.

You are welcome to join St Luke’s online if you are unable to make it in person at


APCM 10 May 2021

We will be holding the 2021 Annual Parochial Church Meeting at 7.30pm on Monday 10th May at St Luke’s Church.
Here are the Annual reports (excluding Finance – to follow)


Church services at St Luke’s going back online

Due to Norfolk entering Tier 4, and in response to the guidance from Bishop Graham, the District Church Council have taken the difficult decision to move our services back online via Zoom until further notice. We are sorry that we will not be able to meet in person, but the DCC felt it was safer for everyone if we continue to meet online for now.

The service on 27th December will be a joint service with St Augustine’s.

Below is a link to all Zoom services (we will use the same link as before):-

St Luke’s Sunday morning Service Link (all services)
Meeting ID: 894 8222 7439
Passcode: 918273

More on Bishop Graham’s announcement is here.


Christmas Services 2020

You are warmly invited to our Christmas services at St Luke’s and St Augustine’s online via Zoom – which means you can sing and don’t need to wear a mask! Click on the links below to go to these Events our Facebook page and join us.

Christmas Eve Service 24 December, 930pm

Christmas Day 25 December, 1030am

Sunday 27 December, 1030am (in person at St Luke’s – unless we are locked down again – and also online on our Facebook page)


Current Arrangements for Worship

Under latest Government rules, we are no longer permitted to meet in our buildings for public worship. Our services will therefore return to Zoom at 10:30am from Sunday 8th November. The link you will need to join the service is:

Meeting ID: 894 8222 7439
Passcode: 918273
One tap mobile
+442030512874,,89482227439#,,,,,,0#,,918273# United Kingdom
+442034815237,,89482227439#,,,,,,0#,,918273# United KingdomDial by your location
        +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom
        +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom
        +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom
        +44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom
        +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom


APCM 19th October @ 7:30 pm on Zoom

All welcome to join us if you live in the parish or attend either of our two churches. Please read through the reports for last year and bring your questions to the meeting.

Zoom meeting ID: 821 4684 1255

Passcode: 925822


Our buildings re-open for worship

From Sunday 6th September, both of our buildings will re-open for Sunday worship. Join us at St Luke’s at 10:30am (also hopefully available simultaneously on Zoom) or at St Augustine’s Hall at 11:00am.

Please remember we are required by law to wear a face covering inside the buildings, unless exempt, and that we need to follow social distancing.



Monday 24th August 2020

It was announced yesterday that the Rev’d Sarah Quantrill, our interim Priest-in-charge, has been appointed to a new post as interim Priest-in-charge of the Carlton Colville Benefice in this diocese. Details of Sarah’s last services here and her licensing arrangements will follow in due course.


Praying for Lebanon

Tony has been moved to write a short piece following the recent events in Lebanon, which you might find helpful as you pray for their people and the country. Click on the link below to read it.


Pentecost Liturgy